Adobe InDesign 2020 Full Version

Adobe InDesign CC 2015.3 Full Version

Adobe InDesign CC 2015.3 Full VersionBAGAS31 – Adobe InDesign 2020 Full Version adalah sebuah software dari Adobe untuk membuat desain layout cetak ataupun online. Software ini memiliki fitur canggih dan pengatur layout yang bisa sobat gunakan untuk mendesain dengan cepat dan efisien.

Software ini mendukung import gambar dan teks dari berbagai format, termasuk file PDF dan XML. File yang di import pun bisa diedit, yang mencakup layer, cascading style, tabel dan template. Di artikel ini saya akan membagikan InDesign 2020 terbaru versi yang release di pertengahan bulan November 2019.

Adobe InDesign 2020 Full Version


Adobe InDesign

Adobe InDesign


  • Adobe InDesign 2020 Full Version | 497 MB
    [FileUp] | [MediaFire] | [GDrive]
  • Password: | Status: Tested (Windows 10 – 64bit)

Download juga:

November 2019 release (version 15.0):

  • SVG import: Support for importing SVG files in InDesign.
  • Column rules: Support for column rules in a multi-column text frame.
  • Reverse spell-check: Specify the direction or order by which InDesign scans the text in your document for spelling errors.
  • Find similar images: Directly access graphic assets similar to the ones placed in your document.
  • More languages: Support for five new South-East Asian scripts.
  • Variable fonts: Support for variable fonts.
  • Adobe Asset linking: Directly access and modify the content stored in AEM Assets without leaving InDesign.
  • In-app Onboarding resources: New self-serve resources available within InDesign to help you get started.
  • Data merge:Has an enhanced user experience.
  • Removal of Flash Formats: With Flash Player reaching end-of-life, InDesign removes the support for Flash format files.
  • In-app troubleshooting support: Troubleshooting support right when you run into an issue while opening or saving files.
  • Stability and performance: Better product stability, application performance, and user experience.

Cara Install:

  1. Download file melalui link di atas.
  2. Uninstall versi sebelumnya (jika ada).
  3. Matikan koneksi internet. Wajib.
  4. Ekstrak file dengan Winrar atau software sejenis.
  5. Jalankan setup installer.
  6. Buka program. Done. Sudah bisa digunakan dan Full Version.
  7. Nyalakan kembali koneksi internet.
  8. Selesai. Enjoy!

Semoga bermanfaat.